Please Nigerian men, what is this disgusting thing some of you do?
At first I didn't notice it but LATELY
all I see is Penis. Yes. Penis. I am tired. O ti su mi.
Yesterday, I was on my way home and
there was this man, standing facing the busy road, not the bush behind him oh, the road where people
drive past and what was he doing? He just finished peeing and was jiggling the black
penis up down, left right as if the thing needs exercise….right in the full
glare of everybody who passed…he seemed to enjoy the activity because the look
on his face said so. Nor be crase man, I studied him head to toe. I was
absolutely mortified because that is the extreme I’ve seen.
Why oh why do my
eyes get assaulted everyday???
The other day I was driving to buy something within Magodo,
one guy just jumped out of his car , in a suit and whips out his penis, like it
was normal…I stopped and shouted to him “yeye man, what are you doing!!”. I find
it so annoying. Arrrrgh! What is this
bad habit everywhere?! Is it that men cannot resist the urge to pee wherever?
How then do women manage to hold pee in?
Ibere ni mo bere ni oh.
On my road trip to warri a few weeks ago, I saw two men,
peeing by the side of the road, one held his penis with one hand and pure water
in another, then rinsed the tip of the penis, after he did, he handed the left
over pure water sachet to his peeing companion and that one did the same.
Ayamakalakata! Oju mi ti ri.
Dear Nigerian men, please make una stop this yeye thing wey
una dey do. It is dirty, because after una piss finish, use hand hold prick,
una nor go wash am, you will now be shaking people up and down and be hugging
somebody with your penis hand. Taaaaaaaaaaa!
If I see one more penis, I might faint. It’s that bad…
please stop. You go just finish holy communion for church and the first thing you go see outside na penis. I know guys read this blog too...why do you people like to do this kain thing? Explain yourself.

youre not the only one oh. It is very barbaric
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ReplyDeleteOkay Yemi, so now the men expose their penis while peeing (albeit indecently) and it becomes an issues that creates this sort of hysteria?
ReplyDeleteI'll have you remember that the foundation for the lack of respect for the private parts of the body was laid, built upon and completed by our women out of the foolishness of borrowed bad culture and hear them, they call it fashion and if you talk about it, you might get a whack of the nail heel of their shoes on your forehead.
You see nipples (no longer cleavages) of young and old Nigerian women and that's okay fashion, it doesn't stop at that o, 70% of the women you come across these days show you the color of every underwear they have on and I dare say you will almost know when last they shaved their pubic hair if you stay around them long enough.
That holy communion you just took, ask the man that sat or knelt by you, his mind got troubled already by the lady on his other side even as he was taking the communion, yours is better as you waited to come out and on your way home.
All of these don't justify what these shameless men do these days, but that's the foundation and my bible say if the foundation be destroyed, what can even the righteous do.
Ehn, bros alex. How does exposed nipples or cleavages pollute or environment? Or are you trying to say that it is when you see female body parts that piss begins to catch you? Please make sense. It's not wiring an epistle that makes you sound like you know what you're talking about. Or smart, to put it simply for you. Make sense biko. No dey piss for outside. The smell of ammonia is not good for the rest of us sane folk. Neither is the sighting of unsightly jiggling wagging penises. Tainchu.
DeleteLol, you miss the point, the talk is not about the smell of ammonia, it is about the indecency and shamelessness of exposures of private parts in public to the discomfort of other people.
DeleteIf you read my post well, I do not support any man doing that, I called it shameless and indecent and that's what it is and of course you will agree with me that there women who pee outside in those same places where you see the men, equally indecent. Hopefully you now see the sense.
alex I agree with you 100. go to work with your member hanging out.
ReplyDeleteYou had me reeling in laughter.
DeleteBut it is disgusting. Alex babes wey dey show pants, nipples and co, na them know wetin dey dey find, biko. So Alex do go to work with your member hanging out. E go make sense die.
I wan vex. Pleas do o, Oga Alex.
DeleteLol, funny. What is bad is bad, whoever does it, it cannot be bad for one and for the other we say na dem know wetin dem dey find. And as for going to work with member hanging on the outside, you will have to wait long. By the way, I think we can be more polite in our discussions, that's the only way we can learn from one another.
DeleteI think we need to change our orientation towards that bad habit we men
ReplyDeleteLwkmd!!!! At first I thought u were going crazy wen I saw the "if I see one more penis thingy" on twitter until I decided to click on the link!!!! Nice write up!!!! Irritating men !!!! }
ReplyDeleteLwkmd!!!!!!! At first I thought u were going crazy wen I saw the "if I see one more penis thingy" on twitter until I decided to click on the link!!!! Nice write up!!!! Irritating men !!!! }
ReplyDeleteVery dirty habit. Some wey even dey pee for hidden place no dey wash hand o. i'd have to stop shaking some of this my colleagues self. i dey suspect many of them
ReplyDeleteTerrible habit. I hope my boyfriend sees this and understands why I hate shaking people....
DeleteWho wants to try the concoction lipstick called 'moby-woo'? Please check out my blog
I'll have u know that this habit Iis not limited to men alone.
ReplyDeleteI was to Ijebu a few weeks back, as ever plenty traffic on the express. Ever so often, females of diferent ages came down from their cars to relive themselves. Those who wore trousers borrowed someone else's wrapper! Those who wore skirts and gowns were in paradise!!
So, u can't even talk o... You aff hear o...
So my dear ola!! What's ur point exactly ???
DeleteNonye on behalf of ola, I'd like to ssuggest you dust your reading glasses.
DeleteHis point was - men and women do the dirty thingand it needs to stop
Thanks Anonymous.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteLol, Sisi you should join Berry Dakara and create that website for Nigerian Men that pee by the Road Side.
ReplyDeletePlease Men, take this seriously abeg
The Beautiful Eagle
I try to tell my hubby it's irritating but he thinks am just hating. Smh
ReplyDeleteSisi yemmie This issue goes beyond visual or aesthetic nuisance. The act pollutes the environment and threatens our health. We are familiar with the strong unbearable ammonic stench that emanates from those corners where people have urinated repeatedly. Inhaling such is hazardous. But there is more. It contributes to the overall poor sanitary conditions of our neighbourhoods, with attendant implications such as cholera. Poor sanitation costs Nigeria N455billion each year (an equivalent of US$3 billion) according to a desk study carried out by the Water and Sanitation Programme (WSP). This sum is the equivalent of US$20 per person in Nigeria per year, or 1.3% of the national GDP.
ReplyDeletePerhaps a little more alarming is the information that the annual funeral cost due to deaths arising from poor sanitary conditions in Nigeria is estimated to be US$28.8m.
Lool. Really funny but sooo true. Its so annoying. They act as tho its impossible for them to just hold the pee in for a bit
Sisi Yemmie,like you read my mind! For days now I've been wondering why men bring out their penis in public to pee,for pete's sakes there are public toilets, they don't even have to worry about toilet infections as much as we do. When I was in the UK I was on the look out for men peeing in public but I found non,is it that the men over there re more in control of their systems or their re strict regulations against such acts either ways I think its high time its prohibited for the men folks to bring out their penis in public to pee. People should have some sense of decency biko!
ReplyDeleteIn my city whip it out and forever be on the sex offenders registry. That's simply why oyinbos do not do it
DeleteI know its not acceptable but its also happens in d UK.
ReplyDeleteSisi yemmie
ReplyDeleteYou would have just done like me and looked up like you didn't see.
They won't listen anyway and tell your first commenter that he should outdo those ladies in church and go to work with his privates hanging out.
Irritating men some of you say, but it's these same PENISES you lot "dry-clean" every now and then for money, with the same mouths you go to church with to sing praises and then go home to kiss your poor boyfriends who think you are saints.
ReplyDeleteLets now talk about the women who stop on trips to pee as well. some of them don't even bother to squat. they stand and do it with legs apart. I'll also have you lot know that holding in pee for long periods of time is bad for your (your bladder).
Some people like myself may have WEAK bladders so b4 you judge and tag them 'DISGUSTING MEN', It just as well can happen to your brother, father, husband or even you as a woman and you'll be stopping to pee every 15mins.
Face facts, you ladies with you could have it as easy as we do.
The next time you see a "disgusting man" taking a piss, by all means,,, CLOSE your eyes or do as normal people do, FOCUS ON HIS FACE and not his NUT-SACK!
The next time any one of you who tagged them disgusting men attempt to "dry clean" their disgusting penis, I pray TONSILLITIS upon you!
Who is this self-absorbed Condenscending, low life bitch? First of all ure an Idiot of all times! Secondly, FYI SIsi yemmie posted this topic on her blog bcos she is hygiene-conscious!!! For Pete's sake, nobody is talking bout giving "blow jobs" or "dry clean" as u stupidly put it!!!! Unless it seems to me that ure one of those dirty hoes that sleeps around and prolly dry cleans every penis u come across! And moreover ure yarning off point here. As far as sisi yemmie and I are concerned, this post evolves solely on cleanliness nobody is talking about having blow jobs and going back to kiss their boy friends here!!! It's very obvious that all u have said is what u do for a living!! Well I'm happy for you!!! Bcos u have just put a curse upon urself!!! Errrrm I mean the TONSILLITIS " i don't even knw why sisi yemmie let ur stupid post here in the first place!! If u can't relate positively here, then go and sulk!!! Ahn Ahn kilode????? RUBBISH
DeleteAnd frm what I understand, it's either this person is one stupid gay retard or one stupid whore!!
DeleteYes you can have a weak bladder but can't you just face the wall. Why show it off
DeleteCome on guys!take it easy.the commenter is right because I am a woman and I can't hold urine for more than 5 hours.if I dey go Abuja do u expect me to keep it in till I get there.lailai.i start to feel pain if I don't relieve myself.
DeleteHowever all the rant about women sucking penis is not relevant.
((AnonymousJune 5, 2014 at 11:41 AM)) Please nobody is saying its a crime to have a bad bladder, or nobody is saying that u shouldnt "EASE" yourself....... its disheartening that some of you here havent still gotten the point the blogger(SIsi) is trying to make. YES U ARE TRAVELLING TO ABUJA FROM GOD KNOWS WHERE, DOESNT MEAN YOU SHOULD SPREAD YOUR LEGS WIDE ANYWHERE THE BUS STOPS AND PEE. ATLEAST I TRAVEL BY ROAD MOST OF THE TIME AND THESE DRIVERS GET TO STOP AT PARKS LIKE TWICE TO EITHER EASE THEMSELVES OR EAT.......YOU CAN AS WELL LOOK FOR A PUBLIC TOILET THERE, I BELIEVE THERE ARE PUBLIC TOILETS AT THESE PARKS......YOU CAN JUST PAY 10NAIRA TO PEE.....AND THATS IT.......
DeleteYou are not serious.pee in those smelling toilets?Have you really entered any of those paying park toilets before?
DeleteAbeg siddon jo!so if u have drivers that like to park at that Ibillo junction and say that's where they are eating and you better do the same,what do you do.its Eastern buses that you are sure of parking at the restaurants,commercial buses or cars mostly dont.they have their own mama put they patronise.
lmaoooooo its not like youre going to SUPER GLUE ur bum to the toilet seats......
DeleteI was at City Mall, Onikan earliwe today. The male and female toilets on the 1st floor aren't separated so females can see males using the urinals. It's really odd and inappropriate.
As serious as this post was I laughed hard. I have witnessed this penis assult b4 o on a busy market road in lagos nd accross the road from this man are 2 kids in hijab in a bus. The kids where my concern coz after all I'm an adult I can handle it. Imagine the little kids who could come accross this nd be mard for a few hours or days. Man or woman letz just learn to be decent wherever. I think sanitizer is the way o
ReplyDeletehahaha I'm a guy we feel our physiology permits us to pee anywhere... honestly most men are not shy to do it.. reasons I do not know lol but some can pee outside but they will definitely hide their jack knife that is the category I fall in.. lol but those guys that pee in public with pure water in one hand jingling their penis left and right honestly I find it iritating and embrassing lol
ReplyDeleteHahaha, SisiYemmie, this cracked me up. But I understand what you are saying. Public urination is such a dirty habit, and no one want to see all of that. I had my nose scrunched up the entire time I was reading your
ReplyDeletePS:I have decided to start commenting on blogs i read regularly. No more a silent observer.
Sisi yemmie, how would you cope in China with the deep throated bringing up of phlegm everyone does there. Peeing in public na child's play o
ReplyDeleteOne guy used to do it a lot on my street when i was growing up. He wasn't mad, thats for sure. He would just whip it out, finish his business, and when he sees you approaching, begin to jiggle it in front of you. I knew well to give him a wide berth, and never look at his eyes. Its just pure madness.
Then some will pee in gutters that are full and overflowing....for crying out loud, people are passing the roads na. and with the bad drainage, you can be sure that you either put your feet/shoe in it or someone will splash the nonsense on you. Highly disgusting!!!
As for the hand washing thingy...hmnnnn. Na long thing be that ooo. Even in offices, you see people who are supposed to know better come out of the rest room without washing their hands.
As a rule, i try to avoid shaking guys because i don't know where their hands have been abeg. A side hug is it for me.
Lmao. As hilarious as I found this, I see your point Sisi Yemmie. It bothers me as well seeing these men whip out their ding-a-lings in full public glare. While i get that some people might have bladder issues or diabetics and the likes, it would be much appreciated if y'all can just jejely face the wall or find somewhere more discreet. Same goes for women too.
ReplyDeleteJust last week I had to cuss a suya man out. In the process of taking off the suya from the stick with his knife, he decided to use his hands. I had already blurted out "that hand wey u don use scratch ya preek since moreen" 0.0 before i caught myself. Hian. No scruples at all.
I'm trying to decide which is worse between these outrageous "whip outs" on the streets of Lagos and the disgusting phlegm on the street of England. Ewwwwww.
I ranted about this too one time.
ReplyDeleteThe solution will be to place "pee officials" on the road to flog their bom bom with koboko once they bring out their thing to just pee anywhere.
It's disgusting and terrible and they are educated oh and some work in top companies. Ah! Koboko will cure them jor!
It is not a good habit but it is a culture that has gradually come to stay especially for men..
ReplyDeletePlease visit my environmental blog.
LOL.. Sisi Yemmie!!
ReplyDeleteI think its good Sisi tot to write about it.
ReplyDeleteYemmie, come to my AID ooo, may God Bless you with this awesome post, I need your help with my ppl here ooo, bcos they are fond of doing this silly thing and I've tried my best to get it out of their head but no luck, your advice/tips will be highly appreciated, Thank you. Check my blog via
ReplyDeleteThe question is what is anybody, the government doing about this? They are also guilty of the act.
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