5 Ways TECHNOLOGY Makes My LIFE EASIER as a MOM (Compared to My Parent’s Generation)

Being a mom in today’s fast-paced world comes with its fair share of challenges, but one thing that makes it all more manageable is technology. From the endless resources available at my fingertips to gadgets that simplify my daily routine, I often wonder how my mom managed to raise us without all these modern conveniences. She did an amazing job, no doubt, but today’s tech tools are true game-changers.

Here are 5 ways technology makes my life easier as a mom, with a special focus on food, because let’s face it—feeding the family can be a full-time job on its own!

1. Online Grocery Shopping

One of the biggest time-savers for me as a busy mom is online grocery shopping. My mom had to physically head to the market or supermarket with her list in hand, but I can now shop for everything I need without leaving my house! There are Apps like the MANO App that allow me to browse, select my groceries, and have them delivered right to my doorstep.

This is a game-changer, especially in a busy city like Lagos where traffic can turn a simple grocery trip into a day-long event. Now, I can spend more time with my kids or working on projects, knowing my groceries will arrive with just a few clicks.

3. Digital Cookbooks and Meal Planners

I can’t imagine raising a family without access to digital resources like Nigerian Cookbooks and done-for-you meal planners. Back in my mom’s day, cooking inspiration came from handwritten recipes, family tradition, or cookbooks you had to purchase in physical stores. But today, I have a library of digital cookbooks on my phone, filled with quick, easy, and delicious Nigerian / Intercontinental recipes.

My meal planner, for example, takes all the guesswork out of meal prep, and with downloadable food timetables, I can stay on track with my weekly cooking. Having this much variety and flexibility available for download saves so much time and effort—something my mom would have loved!

4. Food Delivery Services

While my mom had to whip up three meals a day, I can take a break from cooking once in a while thanks to food delivery apps. These services let me order meals right to my door when I’m too tired to cook, or when we just want to treat ourselves. Plus, there are healthier, home-style options available if I still want something nutritious for the kids.

Food delivery services have been a lifesaver during busy workdays or hectic family weekends, giving me the break my mom might not have had back then.

5. YouTube Cooking Videos

Back in my mom’s generation, learning a new recipe meant calling a neighbour (you couldn't even call home cos phones didn't exist?), flipping through a cookbook, or attending a cooking class. Now, anyone  can pull up step-by-step cooking tutorials on YouTube and learn how to make just about anything! Channels like SisiYemmieTV make it easy to find recipe ideas and cooking inspiration for busy moms.

Whether you are trying out a new Nigerian recipe or looking for quick meal ideas, YouTube has made learning to cook more accessible than ever. And the best part is that you can pause and replay videos as much as you need to!

6. Educational Apps for Kids

Keeping the kids entertained and educated used to mean spending hours playing with them or guiding them through activities. My mom had to rely on books, TV, and her own creativity to keep us engaged, but today I can turn to educational apps. Apps like ABCmouse or YouTube Kids provide fun, interactive ways for my kids to learn while I get some much-needed work or house chores done.

These tools make multitasking as a mom easier, giving me a bit of space to handle everything else on my plate while knowing the kids are engaged in something meaningful.

Embracing Technology as a Modern Mom

While my mom did an amazing job raising us without these modern tools, I can’t help but feel grateful for all the ways technology simplifies my life as a mom. From meal planning and grocery shopping to keeping my kids entertained and educated, tech has truly revolutionized motherhood.

If you’re looking to simplify your own life as a mom, download my Nigerian Meal Planner for easy-to-follow recipes and timetables that take the stress out of cooking. Plus, don’t forget to check out  Sisi Yemmie Cookbooks for even more meal inspiration, and follow me on SisiYemmieTV for cooking videos that will make meal prep a breeze!

Click here to download your Nigerian Meal Planner now and see how technology can make your mom life easier too!

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