I remember I promised a ROBUST review of the Buffet I had (been having) at the Brazzerie Restaurant, Four Points by Sheration, that was way back in November 2013. Be prepared for the food overload you'll get in this post, if you never chop today, please stop reading right now. Or else....you go chop your screen. I've been here about four times now, the first time while I was trying to take photos with my olejugbuma camera, one man asked why I was doing it, I explained to him that I was a blogger, so he told me his wife was a food blogger too, that's how I got introduced to KitchenButterfly. Check out her blog. Her husband was so nice, he kept suggesting the best angles to capture the food well, the kind of gymnastics I did that day ehn... Thank you Sir! LOL.
NHL referee goes tumbling to the ice after getting hit in the groin with
the puck
NHL referee Justin Kea was in the wrong place at the wrong time on Sunday
afternoon in Salt Lake City, standing in the line of fire as a puck came at
him a...
47 minutes ago