I've been asked many times to choose baby names and that's because they think I'm good at this sort of thing. Well, like you, I like beautiful, creative names that have a profound meaning. I believe names are so important and a lot of thought should go into it. With both of my kids I chose their names before they were born and for one of my kids before conception. I recently got one of such requests "to help pick a good name" and I thought I'd share my findings with you. I'm Yoruba so I can only help with trending\modern Yoruba names, you can contribute in the comments.

  1. Ayotundun
  2. Ayanfeoluwa
  3. Araoluwa
  4. Abifoluwa
  5. Adetutu
  6. Adeife 
  7. Araoluwanimi
  8. Akintoye
  9. Anjolaoluwa 
  10. Adeewa
  11. Adeseeke
  12. Digiola
  13. Dukiaoluwa
  14. Desire
  15. Diekololaoluwa
  16. Eriifeoluwa
  17. Eyitayo
  18. Ewatomi
  19. Eniiyi
  20. Erimipe
  21. Ereadura
  22. Eriayomi
  23. Fadesewa
  24. Fadesike
  25. Farayola
  26. Fiyinfoluwa
  27. Inioluwa 
  28. Iteoluwakishi
  29. Ikeoluwa
  30. Inioluwa
  31. Iteoluwa
  32. Irekita
  33. Jesutosinmile
  34. Jesufiolawemi
  35. Jolaoluwa
  36. Kasopefoluwa
  37. Kikiogooluwa
  38. Mololuwa
  39. Mofeoluwa
  40. Mofetoluwa
  41. Oluwafiorebomi
  42. Oluwadetan
  43. Oluwafusika
  44. Olaoluwakiitan 
  45. Oluwatomisona
  46. Oluwasoretope
  47. Oluwadunyin
  48. Oluwadabira
  49. Oluwaduntoyi
  50. Oluwatofarati
  51. Oluwabamise
  52. Oluwashindara
  53. Oluwakamiye
  54. Omoloro
  55. Oluwatoni
  56. Oluwatise
  57. Oluwaseunbarbara
  58. Oluwadamunfre
  59. Oluwafirekanmi
  60. Oluwalonimi
  61. Oluwaniewami
  62. Oluwatetisimi
  63. Oluwatofunmi
  64. Oluwatoromo
  65. Olumoroti 
  66. Oluwayojusimi
  67. Ogooluwaromika
  68. Oluwarogbayimika
  69. Pipeloluwa 
  70. Rereloluwa 
  71. Simisolaoluwa 
  72. Tirenioluwa 
  73. Tantoluwa 
  74. Tiaramisogo
  75. Tiwadola
  76. Teleola
  77. Teleayo
  78. Tifeoluwa
  79. Yosolaoluwa


  1. Just in time! Thank you

  2. Digital ke? What’s the meaning of that one? I’m trying to pronounce it in a Yoruba way. I’m not having luck

    1. There is no Yoruba name like DIGITAL. It is Digiola - Digi means mirror, Ola means Honor/Wealth

  3. Oluwaroresimi, taken from Jeremiah 29:11 is my son’s name and it was gotten by divine inspiration when I was asking God for my child’s identity when I found out I was carrying him. I love that I’ve not heard or seen it anywhere else

  4. OjuOluwatowo is also a beautiful name.

  5. Enioluwafe, Tanidabioluwa, Oluwafimidaranla, Iseoluwape, Gigaloluwa...beautiful names in Yoruba land o. Weldone SISIYEMMIE!


Your comments are like delicious grains of jollof rice to me: please feed me! Send me love mail sisi@sisiyemmie.com / Official business@sisiyemmie.com

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