Source: The Black Home School
Sexual abuse is common all over the world and we also find it in Nigeria too! Countless kids have been sexually molested and they are more vulnerable because they don't know any better! 

We need to stop shying away from introducing sex to the kids, you can start by teaching them the PANT rule. The next time I see Riwo aka Riwostic aka Efo Riwo I'm going to remind her cos her mom would do that sef before me.

 A mother was shocked and horrified to discover her three-year-old daughter had been molested by a friend of the family. Not long after hearing about the NSPCC's Underwear Rule, she was putting some cream on her where her pants had rubbed and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to talk to her. She said: "Where your pants cover; that area is for you. No-one else can touch this area."  and expected her to just say OK but she said "Ron puts his fingers up there."'

Imagine the horror! 

P is for... Privates are private

Explain to your child that no one should ask to see or touch their private parts. Sometimes doctors, nurses or family members might have to. Explain that this is OK, but that those people should always explain why, and ask your child if it's OK first.

A is for... Always remember your body belongs to you

Let your child know their body belongs to them, and no one else. No one has the right to make them do anything that makes them feel uncomfortable. And if anyone tries, tell your child they have the right to say no.

N is for... No means no

Make sure your child understands that they have the right to say "no" to unwanted touch - even to a family member or someone they know or love.

T is for... Talk about secrets that upset you

Explain the differences between "good" and "bad" secrets. Phrases like "it's our little secret" are an abuser's way of making a child feel worried, or scared to tell someone what is happening to them. Good secrets can be things like surprise parties or presents for other people. Bad secrets make you feel sad, worried or frightened.

S is for... Speak up, someone can help

Tell your child that if they ever feel sad, anxious or frightened they should talk to an adult they trust. This doesn't have to be a family member. It can also be a teacher or a friend's parent - ChildLine.

For more information on the NSPCC's PANTS campaign and discussing the Underwear Rule with your children, click here to visit their website.

Photocredit: The Black Home School
PANTS : The Daily Mail


  1. This is very nice sis keep it up! parents need to reveal to their kids about their privates and sexuality before the society does that for them

  2. I think this is a great campaign! Parents should feel comfortable enough to talk about these things with their little children. The price to pay for not doing so is too high to consider! xx

  3. Thanks for this piece

  4. This is very important, must read. We generally need to have homes where kids are more open to discuss with their parents. Sometimes when these things happen, the children cant talk to their parents about and if they do some parents dont believe them.

  5. I love this! Bookmarking for my daughters. It's so important to teach sex education.

    1. Not just daughters. Sons too can be sexually abused.

  6. Ok, just have a quick question. If they are in daycare and have just done a number 2, how will they get cleaned up?!
    Won't it be by a nursery worker? Not trying to be smart but l'm just honestly baffled as to how a child of 3 would know how to wipe herself/ himself.

    1. I'm sure you know the difference between wiping and fingering/trying to play with the clit, let the child know the difference too, let the kids know the level an adult can go in the name of "wiping" when it's getting too far then the kid can say NO,the kid have the right to ristrict such adult from touching her.

  7. Wonderful!! Thank You So Much!!.

    .WARNING!! Objects In A Bra May Look Smaller Than They Appear..
    .WARNING!! No Virgin In Lagos..
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  8. Sisi God bless you. All d way to Dubai for your wedding with hubby. Invite us oooo. Parents Pls teach these lovelies that God gave us. He won't let us down.

  9. Well said!Parents need to arm their kids with knowledge!


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