When we think of abuse we just mostly assume physical abuse but abuse comes in different forms, 6 are major: emotional, physical, verbal, mental, economic and sexual abuse. This week on Instagram a beautiful model shared pictures (below) and stories of how she was physically abused, her injuries were horrifying but that is not the worst we've seen.
Do you remember the recent case of Mr. Arowolo that stabbed his wife more than 20 times, killing her and claiming she fell on the knife or something ridiculous like that? I bet that was not the first time he tried to hurt her. We need to learn to study the warning signs, everything isn't covered below but they are definitely alarm bells that need to ring. If you have any more tips, please leave them in the comment section.
I JUST MET YOU Does it seem like the relationship is rushed? Kpa kpa kpa kpa dem don talk I love you, so quick! Nothing wrong with that because you perhaps feel the same. Kia kia, he has proposed, oya na to marry. Hmmm. Within months you’re married. You need to take things jeje just to get to know him/her a little better. Dating for long is not a guarantee of a blissful union but it does more good than harm if you try to take things a little slowly.
IT'S YOUR FAULT Have you heard about reverse psychology? It’s when someone does something wrong to you but they turn it around that you get confused and start apologizing for something they did! Don’t let your mind/ thoughts be easily manipulated! Do they do wrong things and then blame you for it? “It’s your fault I slapped you" “if you didn't say such and such then I wouldn't have shoved you”. "Your're too stubborn that's why I beat you" Don’t get it twisted my dear, it’s not your fault.

YOUR BELONG TO HIM/HER Mild possessiveness is nice but obsession and other intense forms of possessiveness and jealousy is NOT cute at all. It is not healthy for couples to be together all the time, doing the same things, is this what your partner demands? Then you need to be wary… Possessiveness is not love, don’t confuse it. If they always accuse you of being unfaithful without good reason, then you need to worry. If they try to isolate you from from your friends/family by wither being rude or other behaviors, then worry.
HURTFUL WORDS Abuse comes in different forms, and verbal abuse is one of them. Does your supposed beloved call you unprintable names, just because they’re upset? That is not acceptable. Does he call you “bitch, oponu, idiot, ewu”? Does she call you “auofia, good-for-nothing, “oloshi”, “ode”? It’s not proper if they humiliate you in public or say something in front of your friends, family or colleagues that would obviously embarrass you. You can argue without need for hurtful words because you cannot undo words that have been said.
THREATS No one likes threats and no matter how small a threat is, it is still a form of abuse intended to manipulate. Does he/she threaten to tell people your secrets or things that you have confided in them? Do they threaten to share maybe intimate photos on social media? ( which is why you must never take any such photos) They know this will humiliate you, and they use it as a leash to control you like bingo. Don't be a bingo.

PHYSICAL WITH YOU You get shoved today, you probably think nothing of it. You get poked in the chest the next day, and you still don’t think it’s serious. The day you get a slap, you are made to believe you caused it. Don’t wait till dem use belt wipe you before you know you’re in a physically abusive relationship. Physical abuse escalates, from pokes, to shoves, to slaps, to full–nakeding-you, beating you senseless till you’re in a coma.
If you are in an abusive relationship or know someone in one, please seek help! Don't keep it to yourself.

Sisi , you are blessed . It's sad that our society , esp culture and religion deters women from opening up too soon . Some victims even believe they kinda deserve it , like its a family curse !!!.
ReplyDeleteI have friends who are in such relationships with brainwashed mindset. How can one help such ?
I believe the end to rubbish is a reform in our marriage counselling " system "
ReplyDeleteIt's not all about patience , tolerance and being docile .
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmn.. som men r jus sadist naturally. i hate stuffs lik u cant go out, u cant wear jewelries, u cant call a friend, wia r u comin frm, who did u go nd c? questions lik dat get me angry.. mz bombshell
ReplyDeleteSisi Yemmie, you are right! We need to be watchful and stop making excuses for abusive partners...I personally believe any man that has anger issues should seek help before going into a relationship. May God not let us be victims of abuse in Jesus name.
ReplyDeleteIts quite sad that so many women and men alike are in situations like this. Thank you for the tips sisi.
Na wah o! Some men are beast. Anyway sisi is right, there's always a warning sign, but some ladies like men with animal instinct. Some ladies like guys that are physical and would call a nice caring guy weak and not cool with ladies. Its all about the individual. The bible I read does not tell me to treat people like animal but to love. It now depends on the ideology ur faith is based on. My father has never raised his hand on my mother, so its not part of the culture I know. Woman are not mens slave or pets, but help mate.
ReplyDeleteTrue, there are always warning signs. The truth is that some women go into the relationship hoping that they can magically "change" the guy. Hmmm, I'm not a huge advocate of love changing a guy (a cheater or a wife beater).
ReplyDeleteNo woman should stand for abuse. If he slaps you today, he will punch you tomorrow...that's how I see it o! Then again, I might be wrong.
yea true...Nobody has the power to change anybody
DeleteHumm, it hapns a lot in our society §Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ women wld do anytin and accept anytin jst to be called a Mrs sth, but to wat extent shd dy go.
ReplyDeleteMy fiance and I broke up about a week ago and in all honesty he does almost everything on this list. Always doing funny stuff and making me believe it was my fault. Being over possessive and always accusing me of being unfaithful for no just reason. I had to leave after being beaten to a pulp last monday cos he asked me not to leave the house and I just went downstairs to get airtime. Wish I had seen this article earlier it would have saved me alot of stress
ReplyDeleteAwww peleThank God you are out of there and thank God you are alive.
DeleteOMG, thank God you left him. DO NOT get back together with him under any circumstances!!!
DeleteThank God you were able to leave. Many people believe that they can't be alone but it's better to be single than to be dead or crippled by love. Real love does not hurt.
DeleteYou are my heroine. Well done for having the strength to walk away. I trust you will find love with a man who treats you like the beautiful and strong woman that you are. May God heal the scars of your body and soul. lots of love.
DeleteVery well said Sisi Yemmie. I wrote a similar post (15 signs of a potentially abusive relationship) on my blog few weeks ago. Some of my tips include:
ReplyDeleteHypersensitivity - He is easily insulted and will often rant and rave about injustices that are just part of life.
Sudden mood swings - He switches from loving to angry in a matter of minutes.
Isolation - He tries to cut you off from family and friends; deprives you of a phone or car, or tries to prevent you from holding a job.
I really hope women become more vigilant and don't get too drunk in love that you overlook some of these excesses.
Again, thanks for the post. Men and women alike need to see this post. Some men have these tendencies but they swear they wouldn't abuse their women. If these flaws aren't addressed and dealt with, it's only a matter of time and the "right" situation for abuse to manifest.
Maybe I just love myself too much sha.. because a simple thing as raising your voice at me can end a relationship not to talk of one man laying his filthy hands on me. As far as I am concerned I am too priceless for that kind of rubbish.. We teach people how to love us. Only God loves best. So ladies, love yourself first so that man can see that you don't play with you and if he can not maintain or exceed your standard of self love.. he should shift abeg. No woman should be beaten in the name of love and marriage. When you love yourself you will not need anyone to tell you when you are not treated with love. Very good warning signs Sisiyemmie. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteWell said @Cannime
DeleteYou know my issue? The people in abusive relationships don't need all the signs you just pointed out to them. They already know they are in abusive relationships, yet they still remain in it. And the reason they stay is what we should tackle.
ReplyDeleteHere in the states there are men being abused the same way as well but are too embarrassed to talk and also don't defend themselves because the police are always on the women's side. It's just sad
ReplyDeletebusive relationships are an all too real part of the society and it pains me that anyone would allow themselves to be bullied. I'v been very careful to avoid abusive relationships because someone very close to me has lived and is still living in one to date. She has learned to be stronger and protect herself but it wasn't easy. Sisi Yemi, i think it would be lovely to have a singles seminar that would cover this topic (i woun't mind helping out with it). There are a lot of misguided singles who think its all a show of care or are too naive to know the signs when the see them, as was the case of this relation of mine.
ReplyDeleteHmm!just like my crazy ex who can't seem to understand why am not exactly excited about seeing him not to talk of getting back together with him.left to him he is Gods gift to me and once he snaps his fingers I have to jump.sending me stupid texts like "I am going to be around next week for my sisters wedding,make urself available so we can do dat thing!its been a long while for us"
ReplyDeleteImagine!someone I broke up with in 2011.And gave me a slap in 2012 after I paid him a visit and I refused him sex.
yourr post always makes sense
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. it's exciting