Yay! Its mi birthday oh! Oya make we parry!Erm, actually I don’t feel like partying, I don’t feel like doing much, I just want to sit still the whole day and see how the whole year flew by, in fact how I came to be this age! Don’t ask me how old I am. Puhleeze don’t! Lol. Truly inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened. Kids now call me aunty! My royal vain self woke up this morning to search for grey hairs and wrinkles...Thankfully I found none (Whew!). I looked through old pictures and took new ones, it was all a game of ‘spot the difference’...and I’m still thinking to myself, have I changed?
However, I’m thankful to God for making me see this day. E nor easy...many people don kpoof, many don wayward, but I’m still here, not becos i fine, or anything, but na becos God lurrrrv me! He lurrv mi oh! Growing older does make one thankful...retrospectively, the journey has been good, progressive and promising. In one year I’ve started and finished my masters (nor be God?). In one year my father discovered I have a boyfriend (ooops!). In one year I moved from a size 8 to a 10. In one year, I joined Twitter, YouTube and Blogger (and met you all). This same year was the first time I had short hair. I have truly achieved alot! Old age isn't so bad when you consider the alternatives. So today I’m going to be counting my blessings and listing my lessons, join me!